Sunday, October 21, 2012

Zombie Popcorn!

Hey y'all. Those of you that know me, (or follow me on Facebook), know that I have decided to get my head wrapped around my new job and not worry about blogging for a while. Well, it's time that I got back on the horse. I think I have the perfect story for you too.

Anyone that pays attention know that Halloween is my favorite holiday. I could spend an entire post telling you why, but I think I'll save that for now. My family and I decided, in August, that we would go as Zombies. It's trendy this year, but it turns out we were ahead of the pack. We liked it before it was trendy and all, (so picturing myself in hipster glasses right now). I love to make costumes out of random finds from the thrift store. That's how my mother raised me I guess. A few accessories, a couple t-shirts, a big bottle of blood, etc., and we were good to go. The gorier the better too. Keep that in mind as I go off on a slight tangent for a moment

My new work friends have turned me on to Pinterest. It's a great way to card catalog your recipes and crafty things all in one place. Your friends and family can check them out too. What else is there to want? I decided since no one was going to get on the Stumble Upon train, that I would just move my stumbles to Pintrest. During this move, I found the funnest recipe for Zombie Popcorn. Yeah, that's right. See? I told you it would tie together. Zombie popcorn and zombie costumes. It's so cheap to make massive amounts too. I think including the popcorn kernels, I think I only spent about $0.75 a person. Don't forget to price match to bring that price even further down. Okay so let's get crackin'! For the original posting, click here.

The recipe calls for:

16-20 cups of popped popcorn
1/2 cup butter
1 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup corn syrup
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon green food coloring (I used about 6 drops of dye and it looked fine)
1 teaspoon baking soda

I couldn't find my salt so I didn't use it. I honestly don't know if it would have tasted any better with it, so I guess that could be optional for anyone who needs to cut their sodium.

Preheat oven to 250 degrees F (95 degrees C).

Place your popcorn in two large shallow baking dishes. For me, shallow was my 13x9 casserole dish. I think it worked fine. You don't really need "shallow."

In a medium saucepan over medium heat, melt butter. Stir in sugar, corn syrup, and salt. Bring to boil while stirring consistently. They are NOT lying about the stirring. Boil without stirring for 4 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla and green food coloring until the mixture is evenly colored and combined. Stir in baking soda. Mixture will double. Pour the mixture over the popcorn and stir to combine and evenly coat. Don't freak out too much if it doesn't coat evenly. You will be able to coat it much better once you get it into the oven. Basically just get it one there and stir it until it cools too much to stir anymore.

Get the pans into the oven.. Stir the popcorn every 15 minutes for 1 hour. Remove from the oven. Let cool for about 5 minutes and then break into pieces. Be careful popcorn will still be hot.

It's going to turn into a sweet, kettle corn style popcorn. If there is one thing to stress about this recipe is PORTION CONTROL! You will eat about half of it while you are stirring it. It's that good. Check out these pictures.

I did mention my camera was broken right? Well, with the vanilla it looks very Zombie-esc.It tastes so fabulous too!  I am making this for work and I think it's going to be epic. The original poster has some "Zombie bags" it her etsy story for sale if you want to complete the effect. Enjoy peoples!

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