Wednesday, January 4, 2012

This is Cool

Hey bloggers. You might not find this as cool as I do, but I thought I'd post it anyways.

Did you know that Walmart will match the price of a competitor's ad? It has to be a printed ad and not just, "I took a photo of the price on the shelf." Trust me, I've tried. And there are other restrictions too, like it has to be within so many miles, and if there is a Walmart closer to the other store...blah, blah, blah. Talk to your friendly Walmart cashier or customer service rep for more info. And if you do non-grocery or 'GM' (General Merchandise) items, you have to have the ad. Especially if it's more than $5 from Walmart's price

Well I don't know about you, but when I get the ads, they usually go to line the bird cage, or into the recycling bin without being looked at. Well, I happened to find a site that lists the weekly ads of all the stores near your zip code. I price matched an entire month's worth of groceries for less than $100. The same products would normally cost me $175 - $250. Hey, for an hour or so going through the site, I'll take the $150 savings. is amazing. If your local store has an ad, it will be here. Then you take your list to Walmart, and get the best of both worlds. No running around everywhere to get the deals, and you still get the same price. At Christmas time, I bought my mom a gift for her co-worker. I bought a Nintendo 3DS for $75 less than Walmart's price. It was awesome. Joyous right? Let me know how much you saved. I'd be interested to know. Enjoy folks!

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